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Fortunately, our school community is amazing but there is a small team that keeps it all organized.

FOWC is a 100% volunteer organization that is comprised of Williams-Cone School’s parents and caregivers just like you.

Friends of Williams-Cone is a volunteer group that organizes events to support our students and school. Our mission each year is to strive to offer fun, educational events that allow us to help raise money for our school. Over many years we have established an amazing community where parents, caregivers, community members, and staff have come together to provide a fun and thriving school environment for our children.

We all want the best for our children and being a PTO member can help us achieve that! Children learn more and have better lives when parents, caregivers, school staff, students, and the community work together. Collaboration between these groups sharing their thoughts and ideas about events, programs, and activities benefits our children and school.

Our 2024-2025 FOWC Team Members:

Co-Chairs – Anna Siegel & Megan Robertson

Secretary – Katie Byrnes

Treasurer – Gail Eaton

Social Media Coordinator – Jenn Cass

5th Grade Fundraising Leads – Jenn Cass & Laila Valade

Yearbook – Monique Prevost

Kids Academy – Heather Rogers

Playground Committee Lead - Vacant

Contact us by email:

What our fundraising supports:

Field Trip Costs (lowering parent responsibility)
Teacher & Staff Wishlist Program
Playground Fund
Social Work Discretionary Fund
Indoor & Outdoor Improvement Projects

Community Events (such as Welcome Back Social, Community Potluck, Holiday Caroling & Cookies, and our Family Fun Nights Series)
School Variety Show
Kids Academy Before and After School Clubs
School-Wide Special Guest Assemblies
5th Grade Yearbook Purchase
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Events

Every penny we raise goes right back into our school.

The parents are what makes FOWC successful and we need your support, all of this happens with YOU. Raising money can be a exhausting endeavor, recruiting volunteers, creating buzz and organizing the event itself. Needs include: donating 15 minutes at events, donating snacks, helping make flyers, organizing events, and supporting these events. This parent group wouldn't or won't be possible without each and every one of you. We are very appreciative of the financial, and volunteer support many have offered through the years. Without parent groups the costs for field trips would increase and classroom supplies would increase. It's also takes a parent to organize the kids academy clubs which offers programs after school. This can only be operational with volunteers to assist with these events. Parent support in collaboration with Mr. Stoner and all of our wonderful teachers is what makes our school amazing! Any contribution of money or time is greatly appreciated to keep our parent group prospering. Please contact us or attend a meeting!

​Thank you,

Friends of Williams-Cone

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